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Biden Plans to Sign Executive Order to Strengthen Gun Regulation

The Biden Administration, whose true leadership remains a mystery, is reportedly weighing executive actions on gun control in the wake of several shooting incidents in the country.

The news follows reports of mass shootings in Colorado and Georgia. 18 people in total were killed in these incidents. As usual, the Left is using this as an excuse to intensify the focus on guns, demonize gun owners, and attempt to gain public support for greater infringements on your right to possess the technology of self-defense.

Biden has already shown himself to be fond of executive orders — allowing him to circumvent the legislative process. At this point in his term, he has signed more executive orders than any president in history, drastically changing federal law in ways that may not be fully understood for years. If the history of the Left has taught us anything it is that these executive orders are likely to reduce freedom, curtail privacy, criminalize victim-less activities, and raise taxes.

Regarding the shootings and executive order, White House Press Secretary, Jen Psaki told the Daily Caller, “Yes,” confirming that the executive order is aimed at firearms ownership, “I can’t give you an exact time frame in part, because they have to go through a review process, which is something that we do from here.”

If you find that answer to be an exercise in unnecessary speech, you’re not alone. She could have imparted the same amount of information with a simple nod of the head. You can expect much more of this kind of evasion over the next four years, as the White House press core gets caught in an infinite loop of “circle backs.” Not that they mind.

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She went on to say that the order is, “one of the levers that we can use that any federal government, any president, can use to help address the prevalence of gun violence and address community safety around the country.”

The temptation is to point out how gun control doesn’t work, how Leftists ignore much more dangerous things, and how they are under the protection of armed men. But calling them hypocrites, liars, and fools misses the point. The people behind gun control and all of the anti-human freedom movements know very well what they are doing. They know they are lying. They know they are violating foundational law, and they do not believe any lives will be saved by their policies.

This is nothing but an exercise in elevating the power of government over your life and your freedom.

Biden told reporters, “I don’t need to wait another minute, let alone another hour, to take commonsense steps that will save lives in the future. We can ban assault weapons. This is not and should not be a partisan issue. It’s an American issue that will save lives, American lives. We must act.”

He is referring to the ban put in place by President Clinton in the 90s, which was followed by a sharp increase in violence in many liberal-run cities, illegal gun-running across the border, and which was a major instigator of the Clinton-approved mass murder of David Koresh and his family by Federal agents in Waco, Texas.

6 thoughts on “Biden Plans to Sign Executive Order to Strengthen Gun Regulation”

  1. Biden is in the hands of CHINA as is all these dumb POLITICAN and media! I’m not sure if any remember the saying of an japanese emperor during World War two! They wanted to INVADE OUR SHORE. But their leader know that EVERY AMERICANS HAD A GUN AT HOME! Knowing they would not survive attacking AMERICA. Biden is a fool as every CONGRESS MEMBER who SUPPORT China and to take away our second amendment rights! Just hope they know that mean WAR ON THE PEOPLE OF THIS COUNTRY! TYRANNY GOVERNMENT IS THE REASON WHY THE SECOND AMENDMENT RIGHTS WAS PUT IN PLACE! Not the shooting of these people! People died every day in a gun fight, knife fight, assualt by more than one aganist two or more people! Do those stupid laws will not stop the killing ! But every AMERICA arms with a gun will!

    1. Tell this ahole to read the Costitution – 2nd amendment shall not be infringed – if he wants ro stop gun violence have him and the other nitwit Democrats go after the CRIMINALS law abiding gun owners do not go on crime sprees – have
      Have the pedophile go after BLM & ANTIFA instead of funding them (Harris does) lock the
      m up – Our Founding Fathers created the 2nd Amendment in case Tyranny was going 2 happen – unarmed people are not citizens they are slaves screw Demented Criminal Pedophile Biden – he has no idea what can happen – History repeats itself —
      Molon Labe

    2. These idiots are not only working hard on destroying America ,but all our rights given to us by our forefathers.

      They cannot remove our rights of the country UNLESS WE allow them.

      Treason,tyranny and terrorism seems to be the main frame of this administration.

      Hell they’re like mother nature in menopause with bipolar.

      Flipping a switch,always bitching about why another bill should pass.Or Eo ‘s that make no damned sense at all.
      Dont forget spending trillions on pure garbage with a bone thrown in so you THINK they’re doing something for America.

      I’ve been hearing for a good while,China plans on taking over this country without firing a shot.

      With these idiots spending,removing ALL our Right,we are half way to communist country.

      Little by little these assine people have no problem flooding our country ,destroying our financial stability,allowing rapist,terrorist,cartels ,sex traffickers, children used as drug mules.

      If we dont get these idiots gone, our guns will be gone along with all our rights.

  2. Impeach Biden NOW – he is a criminal (extorting political favors for his coke head criminal son) – a Pedophile woman abuser/rapiist – where are the articles of Impeachment brought against him by Rep Greene – did the liberals & RINO’s have them disappear? He is Trash he has to go Impeach Now – Oorah

    1. I’m hoping not.
      Theyve had taken away so much since the 6th of January .
      They stole the election,destroyed the wall that worked so well.

      Dear God our country will be in a civil war against the government.
      Its not a tyranny its OUR DAMNED COUNTRY !!!!!

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