The leftist establishment has been working hard to demonize and vilify their political opponents for as long as they have existed.
Some will argue that the history of their tactics have origins in the Fabian Society (circa 1880), or even to before the founding of the Roman Empire. But we can track the most egregious wave of leftist slander either to the speech in which Hillary Clinton called half the country “deplorables,” or to the effort by Obama supporters to smear all of his political opponents as unreformable racists.
It’s important for us to recognize the fact that this tactic has been applied incrementally over many years. It is, in fact, called “incrementalism,” and it is a distinctly Fabian Society-derived method of ideological subversion. Further “incrementalism” is also cynically referred to as “progressivism,” but if you tell your leftist friends that, you can expect them to cut ties with you.
It’s important to understand this if we are to comprehend how our culture came to the point where the CEO of a company like Pfizer could publicly call people who do not trust the company’s China Virus jabs “criminals.” The fact that the following quote has not hit mainstream news and stoked intense outrage is a direct consequence of Fabian-style incrementalism.
In an appearance at the Atlantic Council, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla said, “Those people are criminals. They are not bad people, but they are criminals because they have cost millions of lives, literally.”
For anyone to say such a thing in the United States of America is indefensible. But for a powerful chief executive officer to say such a thing in front of a recognized Globalist think tank whose mission statement is “shaping the global future together,” is monstrous.
Our argument here is that the Overton Window had to be moved for Bourla to say such a thing and to not be run out of public life on a rail. We contend that this has been done incrementally over a long period of time.
As an aside, please consider what type of organization would be happy with progress toward a goal that spans decades, even centuries. What kind of people would be satisfied with Fabian-level pacing?
The only rational answers to such a question will boggle the mind, and threaten to shatter all conventional views of history.
Even still, we know these groups exist. We know their goals are aligned with the sorts of things groups like The Atlantic Council openly aim to achieve. For more clarity on this topic, we recommend searching YouTube for Bill Cooper’s description of the early history of the Philosophers of Fire.
Bourla went on to say, “The only thing that stands between the new way of life and the current way of life is, frankly, hesitancy to vaccinations.”
This statement is truly monstrous.
Let’s start with the simple conflict of interest problem it presents us with.
For the CEO of a company to suggest that people who do not want to buy the product his company is selling should be subject to criminal prosecution is outrageous. For this statement, he should be forced to resign, to give up his stock in the company, and to retire from corporate life completely. It is tantamount to inciting armed robbery of half of the world’s population.
Second, what does he mean by “the new way of life”?
Without a doubt, he means the plan referred to by leftist leaders all over the world as “Build Back Better.” This is the New World Order’s vision of a world economy in which World Economic Forum Executive Chairman and Globalist leader, Klaus Schwab, says the average person will “own nothing and be happy.”
For further clarity, consider the fact that parents who protest critical race theory in public schools have been called terrorists by the federal government. Consider the fact that a man whose daughter was raped by a transgender student was arrested for attempting to hold the school which tried to cover the incident up accountable. Consider the case of Kyle Rittenhouse who is being tried for murder in a clear case of self-defense.
It has now come to light that the FBI intentionally withheld video evidence that proves Rittenhouse fired in self-defense only. We have seen that video, and it not only proves Rittenhouse’s innocence, it also proves the federal government is engaged in an open political and legalistic war against the average American.
Do not believe for a moment this is not a war on freedom.
Because it is.
“Let’s go Brandon” # FJB . It will take a civil war to undo all this evil the left has rammed down our throats . The fact that there is no ammo available after a fraudulent election should clue people in . The tyrants fear an uprising from the pee ons and can’t allow that to happen .
Action from the people is long overdue. America and the freedom loving people must act now!
I have PLENTY of ammo !!!! LET’S GET IT ON !!! F**K JOE BIDEN !!!
I guess Bourla hasn’t looked at the number of deaths and sife affects people have had from taking Pfizer’s vaccine. Or that it stops working after several months. Or that it helps spread Covid as the vaccinated carry can carry a large viral load. Or that natural immunity has proven to be more effective and longer lasting. OR JUST MAYBE HE FORGOT THAT THIS IS AMERICA WHERE EVERY CITIZEN HAS THE RIGHT TO AND LIBERTY TO MAKE DECISIONS FOR THEMSELVES. Maybe if Pfizer provided a clear picture of the dangers of their vaccine compared to the benefit people could make a better and informed decision. Until then it appears that Bourla is the criminal who should be held accountable.
I am allergic to the regular vaccine for the flu shot and some of the ingredients are in all shots I am not taking covid. Nor will I be forced to because you may as well take a gun and shoot me because I am allergic and my doctor will write a note saying so
I’m not taking the “clot shot” simply because I DON’T WANT TO, and I dare ANYBODY TO TRY AND FORCE ME TO DO SO !! I am 66 years old and retired and there is not a dam thing that ANYBODY can do to make me take the “POKE”, I cannot be fired, I am retired, I can’t be bribed, I don’t need money, I can’t be intimidated, I am not afraid of anybody and am extremely capable of defending myself,SO WHAT ARE THEY GOING TO DO TO ME AND PEOPLE LIKE ME, F**K THIS GOVERNMENT !!!I HAVE ALWAYS DONE EXACTLY AS I PLEASE AND WILL CONTINUE UNTIL I DIE. THEIR VALE THREATS DON’T SCARE ME AND I AM WISE TO THE GOVERNMENT’S LIES !! BIDEN CAN GO SCREW HIMSELF, I REFUSE TO COMPLY, PERIOD F**K JOE BIDEN and F**K YOU IF YOU AGREE WITH HIM !!!
The liberal mindset says that taking the vaccine will give you as much satisfaction as spinning the barrel of a six shooter which has only one bullet, putting it to your head, pulling the trigger, and if you survive, telling others they can beat the odds too.
Just to add… In a country that values our RIGHT to free speach voicing opposition is a right. What is CRIMINAL is falsifying data that Pfizer provided to the FDA about the number of deaths observed during their vaccine trials!! Also, to help citizens make an informed decision why does Pfizer continue to not inform the public about the number of deaths caused by their vaccine, over 12,000, or the number of serious side affects, many thousands? How is it possible that a drug causing so many deaths and serious side affects is still on the market? Or maybe Pfizer should comment on the issue of the percent of Covid patients who have died after being vaccinated is virtually the same as the unvaccinated and that the vaccinated are now having a significantly higher death rate than the unvaccinted. Or why they and our government would be forcing more people to be vaccinated when it doesn’t appear to have any significant benefit and has dangerous side affects and deaths, considering the facts including Pfizer’s lies… it is inconceivable that any non-criminal and sane individual would promote booster shots of a vaccine with limited positive affects, if any, and that causes so many deaths and serious side affects. Speaking out about the these issues is not criminal, but lies about them are as is forcing citizens to submit to taking the vaccine at this point is certainly criminal.
Very well said, Donald !!! BRAVO !!! FJB !!!
The vaccine doesnt work. Simple any one vaccinated ör not and get infected will soread The virus furing The first 2 days only.
Why take a vaccine and get sick in anyway?
Pfizer and all other doctors let all infected people to get so I’ll they need a medicine to stop it in the blood stream. Instead of cleaning up the lungs!
This has to do with money Only!
We use “Home Cure” to clean the lungs, even the none medical individuals have started this home to be sure the virus never ever get on the blood stream via a clogged up lungs.
Home Cure is the answer for freedom. I think Prajut Chan O Change will be very happy to stop purchasing vaccine.
Enjoy life
This Pfizer CEO should be LOCKED UP in PRISON for GENOCIDE . . . His POISON is both Ineffective and DANGEROUS. One Enlightened Patriot. Team Trump And His Allies 2020 – MAGA (WE’RE NOT going away!).
In order to be a crime, there HAS to be a victim. So who is the victim in this matter?