President Joe Biden has recently come to a troubling revelation: he might actually have to continue some of the policies put into place by former President Donald Trump.
Recently, the Biden Administration pulled a very curious about-face when it announced that it would be completing parts of the border wall that began construction under the watch of the president’s predecessor. While this is happening, the White House has also been in talks with Mexico and other Central American governments to maintain a military presence on their own borders to curb the flow of illegal immigration.
In other words, Joe Biden is reviving two very key Trump policies, and no Democrat in Washington seems to be batting an eye over it.
Biden campaigned on the logically illiterate idea that “walls don’t work,” and progressive pundits in the media just ate it up. The rest of the Democratic Party followed. Immediately after assuming power, Democrats erected a wall around the capitol building — for no reason at all, because walls don’t do anything, right?
As House Minority Whip Rep. Steve Scalise says in the segment below, Joe Biden can call it the “Biden Wall” if he really wants too. No American that is truly concerned with border security is going to care. The important thing is that the executive branch actually follow through on its duties and enforce federal immigration law at the border. This is quite literally their first job.
One thing we can’t let go, however, is the way we got to this situation to begin with. Under President Donald Trump’s watch, illegal border crossings were plummeting. Obviously, border patrol agents were actually doing their job, but it was also understood around the world that there is a legal process to gain entry into the United States, and anything beyond that will be punished. Joe Biden essentially advertised that the border was open as soon as he was sworn in…
Here’s Rep. Scalise with insider information.